Norman Palace and the Cathedral in the background, the sea in the front. Between these artistic and natural wonders, the suggestive historical center of Palermo rises: a crossroads of peoples and cultures, synthesis of the fascinating and controversial history of the island of Trinacria.
It is precisely by entering this dream setting that we discover the Quintocanto Hotel and the Locanda del Gusto. This restaurant, located in the atrium of the hotel, welcomes its guests for sumptuous breakfasts, lunches and unforgettable dinners: a place open to travelers, tourists and, of course, to all the inhabitants of Palermo.

It takes only a few moments to be positively impressed by the philosophy of this place, unique in its kind in the city. The restaurant is managed by a group of young people under the age of thirty, who can freely express their talent here. The result is a youthful and relaxing environment that strictly respects Sicilian tradition in terms of gastronomic choices, bringing it at the same time into a more contemporary dimension.
At the Locanda del Gusto's tables the guests can rediscover the most genuine flavors, linked to the memories and recipes of the Sicilian families. The menu offers delicacies like egg with peas, re-invented as a breaded fried poached egg, accompanied by fresh sweet peas and velvety cream. You can continue with the delicious Pantelleria flavored busiate, a first course that recalls childhood and carefree summer vacations, combining simple ingredients such as capers, olives, herbs and dried tomatoes. You can't miss the caponata with a single change to the traditional recipe: olive oil sautéing is replaced by more innovative cooking methods that give more lightness and digestibility to the dish, preserving its authentic flavors.
An excellent selection of Sicilian and Italian wines will accompany these delicacies. The wine list has many organic options.
Locanda del Gusto has chosen to serve San Benedetto Millennium Water - Antica Fonte della Salute, water with a millennial purity and a light and refreshing taste, ideal to accompany the intense flavors and unmistakable traditional menu.
At the end of the meal passito, coffee, and ammazza-caffè are served to invite the guests to stay longer and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of unique aromas. After all, this is the secret of the charm of Palermo and the Locanda del Gusto: a welcoming setting for special occasions.
Locanda del Gusto, Palermo (PA)
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